Jul 17, 2012

Week 23

Addison Sophia my little wiggle worm. I feel you constantly now. You are just moving around and getting your kicks and punches in while you can. And I can really start to feel you now because you are the size of a grapefruit. Basically right now you have saggy skin because you don't have any fat. Skin grows faster than fat. You will really start packing on the pounds now (that would explain why I'm eating all the time). Apparently by the end of the month, you will double in weight. Maybe that means I'll start packing the pounds too. You are right on schedule, weighing one pound four ounces. You are strong. You are healthy. You are making your mama tired and hungry. So yup, right on schedule.

I have apparently only gained two pounds total in this pregnancy so far. So pretty much I have only gained you. I've been feeling good though. Tired a lot. But then again I have a lot on my plate. I am hungry all the time now. The morning sickness seems to be gone now. Yay! Things are pretty much the same as the week before. I can feel you all the time now which is pretty awesome. I'm loving being able to feel you. I love knowing you are right there and we are so close. Three months. We are three months away from meeting you. It's amazing how far you have come. You are growing so fast and you will continue to grow so fast. And we are so excited. Oh and we started working on your room, so it will be all ready for you. It is becoming more and more real, especially with your room being painted and planned out now. You will have an awesome room, baby girl. You will have an awesome life.

Stella wants nothing to do with me lately. At first I thought it had to do with the fact that I was the one who brought her to the new house and she hated me for that. She was mad because I took her away from the windows she loved and the places she liked. But she is still acting standoffish to me and she has a short memory so I'm quite certain it has nothing to do with that.

Here's what happens. Every morning, Stella gets up with us. She wanders around. She does her Stella thing. Then Rob leaves for work and that's when I first started noticing that she disappears. After he leaves, she is no where to be found. She goes to the laundry room to look out the window or to sleep under the bed. She is gone. Then I get home first and I call her. I find her, usually under the bed, sleeping and she lifts her head briefly. But otherwise she just stays where she is. She doesn't budge from her spot. Then hours later Rob comes home and she comes out as soon as he walks in the door.

It used to be that she would come out as soon as I got home and she would lay with me on the couch and nap with me and cuddle with me. But not anymore. If Rob isn't around neither is Stella. She wants nothing to do with me. She still sleeps on my side of the bed where she has always slept but otherwise nothing.

We have a theory. We have no backing and have no idea if this is even true. Lately Rob has told me almost every day that I smell good. I have done nothing different but he keeps acting like there is something different. So what we think is that there might be something different. Maybe with this pregnancy I smell slightly different. Rob loves my new smell. But for Stella, she doesn't recognize it, so right now I'm a stranger. If she sees me then she knows it's just me - like at night when she sleeps next to me. Although I should probably add that if Rob hasn't come to bed yet neither does Stella.

So when I get home from work, Stella doesn't recognize my smell so she continues to hide under the bed until a smell that she does recognize comes home. Which would explain why she hasn't been around. She has been hiding from me and wants nothing to do with me lately. It makes sense. Like I said we have no backing to this. It's just a theory. It's either the smell theory or she recently decided that she hates me. I much rather it be the smell thing....

(Monday, July 9 - Sunday, July 15)

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