But it was more than the house being creepy and quiet and Stella freaking out all night long. It didn't feel like our house. It was extra dark, extra quiet (with no upstairs neighbors moving furniture in the middle of the night) and everything was boxed up. Technically it was ours, but in a way, it didn't feel like our house. Which was exactly why without a day to lose, I started in our bedroom.
Unpacking a bedroom seems simple enough. Especially when you take into consideration that we moved everything as is in drawers and clothes on hangers were kept on hangers. There was no need to go through even more work packing up all those things when we were moving five minutes down the road. But there were still things that were in boxes that needed to be unpacked and other space issues that needed to be addressed. The biggest of those being, our dresser issue. We have one primary dresser and at the apartment we shared this dresser but it was tight fitting for both of us. So we decided it was time to put the second, extra dresser to use for Rob's clothes and give us both more space. Which meant I would cleaning out drawers from one dresser and putting them in another. Doesn't seem like a lot of work, but I didn't want to waste room in my dresser and those now empty drawers so of course I found clothes to fill them in. All of which takes time. In fact, it take about an afternoon's worth of time.
Plus there were other miscellaneous things that needed to be unpacked like anything that had previous been on our nightstands, some things stored in the closet, etc. All in all, it wasn't a lot of stuff but enough to keep me busy for about four hours.
The room was a mess. It needed to be cleaned up and the boxes needed to be moved out as quickly as possible. Along with the crying, Stella also felt it was necessary to use the boxes as a jungle gym as loudly as she could. So in a matter of those four hours, I was able to transform the bedroom from feeling completely foreign and creepy into our bedroom.
Keep an eye out for posts about the other improvements we have made to our master bedroom and bathroom area!

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