According to my book I'm supposed to go to the grocery store and pick up a 2-pound chuck roast to see just how heavy you are. Although I'm probably not going to do that, I can't believe how big you are! 2 pounds! Which seems a little weird because the lettuce that The Bump equates you to will not be weighing 2-pounds, if it does then that is one big head of lettuce. But you are about the size of a head of lettuce apparently just a heck of a lot heavier. That's good. We want you growing! The big thing for you this week is that your eyes are beginning to open. Your eyelids have been fused for the past few months to give time for your retina to develop, but we have moved past that and right into your opening your eyes. I'm not sure how much you'll be seeing in there because I would reckon it's pretty dark, but still cool nonetheless. We still wouldn't know the color of your eyes just yet because there isn't much pigmentation, but I'm curious. Do you have my green eyes or your dad's hazel eyes?
I did it! I convinced the unwilling father-to-be to go register! (He was unwilling about going to register but totally pumped about being a father - just to be clear). How did I do it? I promised him it wouldn't take long - which it totally took longer than I probably promised him. I also promised him he could hold the gun - which now means I have gotten to use one of those guns an exciting zero times while Rob has three times under his belt. But whatever gets him there.
Of course we had to go through all the signing up and going over everything when we first got there that took a bit of time because the lady that helped us seemed a bit clueless to be honest. But we got through it. Then we were finally able to start. I had list in hand and ready to begin. Because of my wonderful sister and brother-in-law our list of things we actually need is pretty short. It was pretty amazing to get as much as we got from them, and I know they're pumped to get it out of their house. But that meant my list of needed items was really not that long. But that didn't make it any less overwhelming when we actually started browsing. For the few things we did need, we went with as gender neutral as possible so that if we have a boy the next time around we are ready and prepared and don't have to do it all over again.
For most of it, Rob was probably not necessary. He didn't want to be there and most of that stuff I could have chosen myself. And actually I considered doing it all online, but I wanted to pick out a nice, big, super-comfortable rocking chair and for that I wanted to sit in it and test them out. Which of course took us the longest. We moved from rocker to rocker, debating what we liked and didn't liked. It took us much longer than I should have but finally we settled on one. Who knew a rocking chair would be so hard to pick out and agree upon?
It's nice to have something else taken care of. One more thing I can cross off my list of things to take care. Trust me that's a nice feeling. So now here's where I reason with you and try to pitch to you what we really want. I know it's no fun to pick out a gift card and that be your gift. But trust me when I say we have plenty of baby stuff and tons of clothes, so resist the urge. What we really want is diapers, wipes and gift cards so we can get those bigger purchases like that rocking chair and pack-and-play. Just something to consider if you want to get us a gift for little Miss Addie.
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