Dear Addie:
Is this possible? Can today really be the day that you are one year old? Has it really been a year since you came into this world? Nope, I decided that definitely isn't possible. You are really only a couple months old...just really advanced for your age. It can't have been a full year since you came into our lives. Your dad and I were actually talking about this the other day. It's hard to remember what life was like without you. Maybe we slept a little better. Maybe we worried a little less. Maybe life was a little cheaper. But was it better? Definitely not. You are so much more than we ever imagined. You bring so much life into this house.
You are crawling everywhere right now. If only you would look up. You tend to go head first into everything. Maybe I should get you a helmet; we got to protect that genius brain of yours. Luckily, you mostly just bounce off things and keep going. However, you have a healthy set of lungs, and you can scream like the best of them. It all depends on what you crawl into. You've made no attempts to walk yet. But you did just start crawling right around 11 months, so there's no need to speed into it. You like to stand up, but you haven't made any attempts to move around. You whine to stand up so I help you up and then you whine once you're up. However, you are getting stronger and getting yourself up to standing all by yourself. I'm okay with you taking your time walking. With all the things you run into crawling, I can't imagine the damage you'll do once you start walking. I guess you got my genes after all.
We are all about table foods these days. You eat no purees anymore. That's crazy town! And the best part is that you eat just about everything. You have so many favorites. Kiwis are always a favorite, but your newest favorite is peanut butter toast. You even completely ignored the kiwi on your tray until you finished your toast. I was always a picky eater growing up, so I love that you aren't. You are very much like your dad. He'll eat anything. It continues to surprise me that I can put just about anything on your tray and you'll eat it.
I have read several things that said you have the attention span of about 5 minutes. I would believe it. You get bored easily - that's something you get from me. However, if I put in Beauty and the Beast, you will stop everything you're doing and sit through almost the entire movie. You don't always sit through the whole movie, but you always sit through the first thirty minutes. You always watch it happily. You laugh at what you think is funny. You smile when the Beast comes on the screen. You get excited when singing starts. Your favorite movie is definitely B & t B. Tangled comes in a close second, but it doesn't quite capture your attention like B & t B.
Lately I have been looking at pictures of you from a year ago, right after you were born, and it's hard to believe you are the same girl. You have changed so much. You have filled out. You have so much personality. You certainly sleep less. You have so much life in you. I have a hard time believing that you are really one. It has been one year since you came into our lives. It has been one year since you completely changed out lives. It has been one year and one heck of a ride. It has been the best year, and I look forward to all the amazing years to come. Happy birthday, kid. I love you.
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