Dec 15, 2014

Addison Sophia: 26 Months

Dear Addie::

Well, here we are again. Hard to believe that we are already at 26 months. And let me tell you that two has been a challenge. It has definitely challenged me in ways I never expected. Don't get me wrong, it's not all hardships. It is also a lot of fun. You are growing and learning and exploring. It has been fun watching you figure out the world and learn more things every day.

We are definitely in our terrible twos. I don't care what anyone says the terrible twos exist and you are not nearly as innocent and angelic as you seem to the outsider. To your dear mama, you are a terror. We are constantly butting heads. I guess that's what happens when you mix two stubborn people together in a house all day long. You should know that mama's always win. Just keep that in mind when you scream like someone is torturing you. I'm doing what I'm doing or not doing what you want me to do for your own good.

We have certainly moved you out of your crib and into a big girl bed. A few weeks ago you were having a screaming fit about going to bed. We were waiting you out as per usual. You decided to flip yourself head over toes out of your crib and landed hard on the floor. It knocked the wind out of you and scared your dad pretty bad. You were struggling to catch your breath after knocking the wind out of yourself. We were able to get you calmed down and asleep until the next night when you threatened to do it again. So it was then well after your bedtime that we took the side off your crib and you officially had a toddler bed. Of course you were not easily settled. Well not until I gave you my pillow and got you a quilt. It's not been exactly easy with you in a toddler bed but we are adjusting.

The first adjustment was taking all the books out of your bedroom and putting them into your big girl room that I'm still working on. While your books were in the room, you were sneaking out of bed, grabbing a book, going back to bed and laying there reading them by the nightlight. And then before long you had your entire book collection stacked on your bed. Since moving you to the bed, you only left your room once. I must have scared you bad enough by pulling out my mama voice that you haven't left your room again, not even when you are done sleeping for the night or nap time. You just sit on your bed and wait for you. I have a hard time believing that you are in a big girl bed. You are growing up too quickly.

You have also conquered the stairs. You are now walking down the stairs holding on to just the railing. You push my hand away, rejecting any help. You want to do things all yourself. You have become quite the pro of going up and down the stairs by yourself just using the railing. It's amazing to see the things you accomplish after you struggled to walk for so long. Unfortunately with the good, comes the bad. The day after you decide you wanted to take on the stairs yourself, you ended up falling down the stairs. Your first major, and hopefully last for awhile, fall. You ended up bruising up your face, a little bit on your torso, and your legs. You are tough and managed to shake it off after about twenty minutes of crying. I can't blame you for that, you went down hard.

As far as talking is going, you are doing great. You are still babbling quite a bit but more and more words are starting to come out. You are repeating more of what we say. We are also teaching you more signs which you are picking up on very quickly. You are definitely figuring out the value of communication.

You are doing so well all around. You are still delayed compared to other kids your own age but you are catching up slowly but steadily. You are definitely just a two year old. A normal, stubborn, hard-headed two year old. You have definitely been wearing me out lately. So at least you are normal when it comes to that. But I'm proud of all that you are doing and all that you have accomplished from your delays. You are smart little girl and I love you so much.

Love, Mama

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