Apr 12, 2012

The Day the Apartment Flooded

Yup, you heard right. Our apartment flooded. It's our own little version of The Day the Earth Stood Still or The Day the Earth Caught Fire. Luckily, it wasn't the earth. It wasn't even the city. It was just our apartment.  Hence the title. I bet you're wondering how this happened. Well, so am I. Neither Rob nor I were home at the time and Stella has not learned how to turn on the dishwasher/bathtub/or anything else that would cause an apartment to flood, so it wasn't our fault. Clearly. It was our neighbors upstairs...again. Did I ever tell you about the time they let their bathtub overflow and water was pouring into our bathroom? Luckily, I was quick on my feet and got a bucket in there quick. Although in all fairness, it wasn't exactly our neighbors' fault. It was more their dishwasher's fault. We were told they caught the problem quickly, but apparently not quickly enough. Let me put it this way, the apartments are stacked three high. We are the middle one. The apartment below us had water in their apartment. So you can only imagine what ours looks like.

So here's how the fatal day went. Around noon, Rob and I usually text, just to check in and see how each other's day is going so far. When I texted, I heard nothing back. Not that unusual - he is pretty busy. But then a few minutes later, my phone rings. Now that is something to be worried about. He starts off by telling me the apartment office called. So my mind immediately goes to fire. He reassures me that our apartment is not on fire, but he's heading home now because it flooded. Definitely an 'oh crap' moment. He promises to call me a little later to tell me about the damages and what's being done and all that. Because all we know is that they got the water contained but the kitchen was soaked, the living room carpet was wet and they were cleaning everything up.

I can happily report that everything was indeed okay. Well, as okay as things can be at this point. We had no damage to any of our stuff. There were some wet papers and our microwave is sitting in a pool of water, but otherwise things are okay. My biggest worry hit me about ten minutes after we initially talked about him heading home. Our sonogram pictures are on the fridge in the kitchen, which was apparently the "wet zone." Luckily, everything on the fridge, including our baby's first pictures, are all okay. Huge relief.

So now the process is still continuing for massive clean-up. Why still? Well, just see for yourself.

Wait, did I forget to mention the huge hole in our living room ceiling? How silly of me. Rob seemed to have left that out when we were talking the first time, until he sent me pictures while I was still at work. Yup, there's a huge hole in our ceiling. Oh, but that's not all.

Yup, that's our ceiling. All over our floor. It came down by choice and didn't fall down which is good. But the reason it is down is because it was going to fall down. Don't worry, the mess got cleaned up. Our ceiling is not patched but the mess is cleaned up. Still a shock to come home to.

As for the rest of the apartment. The mess was contained to the front of the apartment, so luckily the back of the apartment has been spared this disaster. We also got our carpet cleaned, pretty sweet deal. Unfortunately, they rearranged and we hate what they've done to the place.

I guess if you're on a diet and feel like you're going to the fridge every five minutes this is the perfect setup for you. Just put your table in front of and the chairs in front of the pantry, and it'll stop you every time. It'll just be too much to bother actually getting food. Genius! Only not to a pregnant lady. And as for the living room, we thought that maybe this would be a great way to let the people in the parking lot outside watch TV through our window. What do you think? Yay or nay?

Other than some rearrange and some major cleanup, the apartment isn't in bad shape. We won't be using the microwave for quite awhile because of all the water. We just want to make sure it's good a dry first. We didn't see how much water was actually on the floor because by the time Rob got home to take these pictures, the floors had already been cleaned up. The kitchen table and chairs were pretty wet, but nothing important was ruined. All in all we got pretty lucky. There was no major damage. Well, other than the hole in the ceiling. There was no damage to any of our stuff, and for that we count ourselves lucky.

Now it's just a matter of how long will it take for all this to be between us and done with. The water is cleaned up. The ceiling that was on the floor was cleaned up. But now we have to wait until the ceiling is completely dry before they can do anything about fixing our major hole, so hopefully that won't take too long.

So now you know how my day went. How was yours?

1 comment:

  1. Regardless who’s the owner, it will always be the dishwasher’s fault. Haha! I hope your neighbor replaced that malfunctioning thing, so this stuff doesn't happen again. Though damage looks bad, it’s good to know everything was fixed right away. Take care!

    Gail Wallace @ Emergency Flood Masters



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