Jun 5, 2012

Week 17

What can I tell you that you don't already know? You are an onion. You are busy. You are growing. You are beautiful. You are not stinky. You are not going to make anyone cry. You are perfect. But you are an onion. Okay, okay, you are just the size of an onion. But I would be lying if I told you that the whole onion thing doesn't make me think of Shrek and that layers quote. I know you don't know what that means because you're too young....or new...whatever but maybe one day.

Okay, so maybe we get to a more serious note. What are you up to this week? Your rubbery cartilage is turning to bone. Pretty sweet, right? No brittle bones for you, so I better start drinking more milk! You are mostly just growing stronger. We are so close to finding out if you are a boy or a girl and we are so excited! So close in fact that it is just next week (week eighteen)! It's hard to believe how quickly you are growing and how quickly you will be here. That's hard to believe. Your dad and I are so excited about meeting you and having you apart of our lives. (And even better kid, you'll never have to live in that apartment because we'll be moved and you'll have an awesome room just for you. No having to share with man cave!)

I'm mostly just anxious about next Wednesday and finding out if this baby is a boy or girl and actually getting to call him/her by the name we picked out. How could that not be exciting and all that I can think about at the moment? Honestly, my biggest concern right now is weight gain. I'm a few weeks into my second trimester and I'm just holding steady at my normal weight. You can see my belly growing some but I haven't really gained weight. But then again I have been getting sick still. I'm a little afraid that I'm just one of those women who will just stay sick through the entire pregnancy - how sad would that make me?! So I'm focusing on making sure I'm eating enough and eating healthy. And let me tell you, that's not always easy. Otherwise, I've been tired which could have to do with pregnancy or it could also have to do with me not getting enough protein. Like I said I'm working on it. Mostly feeling good. Tired, tired of throwing up, trying to eat healthy and exercise, and so very excited!

So it's not secret that I could use a vacation. In fact I previously expressed my deep, longing desire for a vacation. But that's mostly because vacations are supposed to be fun and relaxing and with all the stress we have going on, we could use fun and relaxation. But apparently when you are pregnant, going on a trip that used to be called a vacation is now referred to something called a babymoon. You ever heard of it? It's growing in popularity. It's basically a vacation, only you usually take in during your second trimester (when you are supposed to have more energy) and it gives you and your husband/significant other (I'm not one to judge) basically the last chance to be together just the two of you before the baby comes. And although I laugh at the name, seriously babymoon just sounds silly, it's actually not a bad idea.

I'm not saying we will be going on a babymoon. We did just a buy a house. But the idea of being able to get away and just relax sure does sound nice. And just like a plain ol' vacation, a babymoon could be for as long or short as you want. It could be wherever you want, so be it across the state for a weekend or out of the country for two weeks, it is all up to you. Of course most doctors like to know if their OB patients are leaving the country for two weeks however, so you might consider clearing that with them. If we were to take a babymoon, it would definitely not be out of the country nor for two weeks. Who has that kind of time? Not that I wouldn't love that, but between our jobs, moving, the Marines, and everything else we have going on there is no way we could take an extended trip anywhere.

I have no idea where Rob and I would even go for a little weekend getaway. There aren't a lot of options in Kansas. We have talked about it. Talked about when we would be able to go if we were to chose to go on a babymoon. But the thing that keeps stopping us is the where. So I guess it open it up to all you blog readers for your help and suggestions. Any ideas on where we should take a weekend away that's close to home with not a lot of driving and somewhat inexpensive? Yeah, see we don't know either. So maybe there'll be no babymoon for us. That's okay, right? It'd be fun but it's definitely not necessary. Technically we are always together just the two of us (plus Stella), so why take a trip away from home and spend money we don't have when we could have a stay-cation at home and spend time together? That's the point right? Spending time together, just the two of us.

(Monday, May 28 - Sunday, June 3)

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