I have this fear of falling. Who hasn't fallen in their life? Everyone falls at one point, but I really hate falling. Usually my falling involves my knee and something bad. So I try to avoid it whenever possible. I get a little paranoid about falling actually. But since getting pregnant I have become even more afraid of falling. Everything I have read has said that it would take a lot to hurt her because she is really protected in there. But I can't stop that fear that if I fall something will happen to her. My two biggest fears since getting pregnant has been falling in the shower or down stairs. Now how many times have I fallen in the shower or down the stairs? Actually never. I usually fall up the stairs if anything. Yes I have fallen down stairs. But I have never fallen in the shower in my life. Doesn't mean I can stop that fear from sinking in and making me horrible afraid of falling.
Well, my fear was realized last week. I was walking down one of the flights of stairs in our house (yes I realize how ironic it is that we moved into a house with four flights of stairs and I'm afraid of falling down stairs) and somehow my foot slipped out from under me and down I went. I was holding on to the banister so I didn't get very far. But my arm and shoulder smashed into the banister resulting in some major pain, plus a bruise later. And luckily I had just landed on my butt so my tailbone hurt like crazy. But it gave me quite a scare. And to make matters worse, it was while Rob was gone. So I just sat there for a minute taking a deep breath before finally finding my feet again and getting up. Addison seemed to enjoy the ride (or didn't - it's hard to tell) because she was kicking like crazy a little later. So she's fine. I'm fine. I have since recovered from the aches and pains of this fall, but that doesn't mean it didn't scare the living daylights out of me. Maybe it's good it's finally out of my system - I fell and survived as did Addie. So maybe my fear will be a little less. All I know is that I don't want to do that again anytime soon.
(Monday, July 23 - Sunday, July 29)
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