I've been feeling great...mostly. I have to get up sometimes two/three times a night to go to the bathroom. I'm hot all the time. I'm also hungry constantly. I'm tired, but that makes sense since I found out I'm anemic and have to take iron. But I'm hoping with the supplements they gave me, I'll start feeling better and get some of my energy back. Mostly it's all good. But I'll be honest, I'm kinda ready to have you out. Is that bad? I know I still have 11 weeks left until my due date (11 weeks - WOW!) But I'm uncomfortable and my back hurts. Oh but did I mention I gained two more pounds, so total I have gained ten pounds. I have been busy getting ready for you. Your room is coming together and soon I'll have my baby showers and hopefully I'll be even more prepared for your arrival. I'm just very ready to meet you and see you and hold you.
I went to another class: Breastfeeding Successfully. I let Rob sit this one out, however there was some information that did apply to him but I have since passed the information along to him. Again I can happily report that this class was well worth the money. There was a lot of information and at times I felt like I was having an information overload.
We started the class by going over the benefits of breastfeeding for both me and Addison. All of which confirmed my desire to breastfeed. For me: weight loss is easier, decreased risk of female cancers, better healing, and there is a hormone released that provides tranquility. For Addison: less disease and allergies, increased IQ, decreased cause of SIDS, better digestion, and decreased chance of obesity. After discussing the benefits, we talked about the our support team because when any woman is first trying to breastfeed, the support and encouragement from her spouse is vitally important. Along with that is making sure that Rob has the bonding time with Addison the way I do. So it is important for him to burp her and bathe her and have plenty of skin-to-skin time.
We next went on to discuss breastfeeding in the hospital and how important the first feeding is. If the first feeding is successful then overall breastfeeding is going to be more successful later. And the nice part is that being at the hospital, there is plenty of people that will help and do what they can to make the first feeding successful and answer any other questions.
We also went over positions for holding her when feeding. And cues to listen for when you are successful. We also talked about how we know that she has had enough to eat and the importance of keeping track of feeding times, wet diapers, and bowel movements. Lastly we talked about pumping and what kinds of pumps they recommend and don't. Especially for those women who are going back to work and how important to never miss a pumping because your body will think it is done and your milk will dry up.
Over all the class was very informational. Like I said after the last class, knowledge is power. Breastfeeding is still a little overwhelming, but I feel like I have more information in order to make the whole thing more successful and better for me and Addie. It also helps to know that I have the support of my husband and a number to call at the hospital if I have any questions regarding breastfeeding.
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