Improvement #1: The blinds
This improvement was not just about making the room ours, but this one definitely fell into the desperately needed category. How desperately needed? Let's put it this way, with the blinds that were on the windows, at night you could see right into the room. This was a privacy issue. And yes, we tested this and this wasn't just me deciding that I hated the bamboo blinds and wanted new ones. Rob went outside after dark and I danced around the room like an idiot. If there's any room you want privacy, it's definitely the bedroom. There's nothing worse than the whole neighborhood seeing you dancing around the room like an idiot!
Then we were off to give us ourselves the much-needed privacy. But of course we didn't get started on the project until late and decided that it would be much better if we did this project on a weekend because it was definitely going to take more time than we thought. So the blinds were set aside for another day.
But finally the weekend was upon us and we were off and rolling again.
I should probably clarify something. When I say we, I don't exactly mean we in the exact meaning of the word. I might actually just mean the hubs. But who can resist a guy with a drill? While he conquered the blinds that boring Friday evening, I was a little less productive...
Don't judge me. I was the photographer...and because that still seems like a lazy job, I should mention that I got up when I was needed to hold something. I'm quite good at holding things.
Rob quickly learned that taking the blinds down was the easy part. There wasn't much to it, but putting up the new blinds was a whole new ball of wax.
One window down - two to go!
I can't exactly be sure of the time he finished because I seem to have fallen asleep in a very non-attractive sort of way. And since I was very unhelpful through this entire process, I only deserved to have this picture taken of me.
He finished closer to the midnight hour than not. And I was not overly useful. But the blinds look amazing. Just having the white instead of the bamboo, lightened up the room considerably. Plus, we could now close the blinds all the way and have that dancing-around-the-room privacy that we so desired.
And the real pride of these blinds? This was our first real project in our new house (changing the toilet seats don't really count). It was nice to put our own touch on the house and make it a little more ours. It was fun to make a decision to change something and actually be able to change something. It was definitely worth the price to get the blinds and the time spent - although we all know it wasn't really my time spent, but in all fairness my helping might have slowed down the project and we might still be hanging blinds even two months later....
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