Dear Addie:
How are you already a half a year old?! Time is flying by. Seriously flying by. What happened to my tiny newborn? My tiny, little 6 pound newborn. And now you are much bigger. So big in fact that you are wearing 12 month clothes. Technically you fit into 9 month clothes but you are just getting too long. If there was any doubt, just look at how long you and you are definitely my daughter.
Lately your napping is touch and go. Some day you nap awesome. I love those days. You take good naps and you are in a great mood. Then there are those days - more of them than I would like - that you nap horribly. No, horribly isn't strong enough word. At least you sleep great at night. Which is even more amazing considering we had to stop swaddling you cold turkey. Why so suddenly? You decided you loved rolling. All the sudden you started rolling from your back to your tummy. Although you haven't quite figured out how to get back yet. And at the same time you started rolling, you started scooting. All this means you are constantly moving all around your crib. You get tangled in your blanket. You get your legs stuck outside your crib - although you do that regardless of swaddle or not, I actually think you like to sleep like that. You also get yourself turned over and then you get all distressed - oh, wait you do that without the swaddle too! It's not such a fun game we play. You roll over, so I go in and flip you over then you roll again. You just miss me so much that you want to see me so you just keep rolling. But my life will be so much easier when you learn to roll back the other way.
You are loving solids. Well, you aren't such a fan of green vegetables, but everything else you like. You are a champ at eating. We have oats or grains for breakfast, fruits for lunch then vegetables for dinner. You love eating. You hate bibs. Breakfast is much more pleasant because I don't dress you until after so no bib. You seem to really like that. That's my girl! You are also teething. A couple weeks ago your first teeth broke through the gum on the bottom. You have been a little cranky because of it but overall it hasn't bothered you too much. That's so exciting through. A tooth. Your first tooth!
You love playing. You love looking in the mirror. You love sitting up (although you can't sit unassisted yet but you are trying). You love your daddy time - that has been going on for the last six months now! You love watching VeggieTales The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything. You love sitting in the front of the cart - a first we had just last week. You love bubbles - we sit outside in the backyard and spend quite a bit of time blowing bubbles. You love staring at your dad while we're eating dinner - seriously, it's funny and frankly a little creepy.
You are just a happy girl. You are content. You have so much personality. So much life. I love seeing your personality form and how much you are growing (although if you want to slow down on that growing up thing a little then that would be fine too). You are truly becoming your own person, and I love who you are. You are awesome and beautiful. I love you, kid.
Love, Mama
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