Dear Addie:
You are 11 months old. In just one little ol' month you will be a year, and can I just say Whoa! Where has the time gone? You are changing so much everyday. I know I say that every month but it's forever true. You are constantly surprising me with what you have learned. I love your crazy personality and all that you are becoming.
The most exciting thing from this last month - you are now crawling! You started just two weeks before you turned 11 months. I had been a little worried about you not crawling yet. I was worried that you were too big (although I love your size) or too lazy (no offensive) or too content just sitting there to actually crawl. But then just one Tuesday when I was working out, you came around the corner of the ottoman to get my shoelace. It was all kinds of exciting for me. And now you are moving all over the place. You are definitely into everything. You apparently don't like how we organized our DVDs because you have been rearranging. You have been moving my shoes around. And of course going after cords. But my actual favorite thing that you do is chase Stella. It's truly the slowest game of chase/tag that has ever been played. Stella will lay down somewhere, you'll start going to her, she'll freak out and move a little farther than you go for her again. I find the game entertaining. And apparently so do you.
Lately you've been trying to pull up on everything too. You aren't exactly successful. You are great at getting yourself to your knees but that's about the best you can do at this point. It's so cute to watch you try. You are straining those little arms of yours to get to your feet. But you are pretty content once you get to your knees so you just need to build up more muscles and you'll be standing then walking in no time.
You like to chatter a lot. We actually do a lot of whisper time. You'll be talking really quietly, whispering to me, and I'll whisper right back. You enjoy our quiet time together. But what you really love is your books. You head straight for your books on the shelves in the family room every morning once you finish your bottle. You love looking through your books throughout your day. I love how much you love books. I have to be sure that I want to spend the next hour or so reading to you before I start reading during the day if it's not nap time. I pick up a book and we read and as soon as we get to the last page you start crying. I open another book (or even the same one) and you quiet right down and just listen.
Another thing you are loving right now is Beauty and the Beast. We have seen this movie dozens of time already. It's the only movie (or TV show) that I can turn on that you will settle down and just watch. Often you will start dancing and sometimes squealing along to the first song as soon as it starts. You smile whenever the Beast comes on the screen. You just love that movie. Luckily it's a great movie so I don't mind turning it on for you.
I just can't believe how big you are getting. I can't believe you are already wearing 24 month clothes. I can't believe you are going to be a year in a month. You are just amazing. You are beautiful. You are smart. You are so very loved.
Love, Mama
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