0620 // The sky's awake. So I'm awake. Not necessarily happily but I'm working out and working out with Addison is pretty much impossible so I'm up to do just that. With the hopes of getting a nap in later.
0700 // I put my blog up then go back upstairs and lay down while Rob showers. I'm exhausted and want to go back to sleep.
0715 // I drag my feet but get up and head to the shower. Rob is gathering trash around the house and I know if I don't shower because Addison gets up then I probably won't get my nice relaxing shower.
0735 // I'm showered, dressed, and back in bed again. I can't help that it's calling my name. I'm hoping that I can get another little nap in and some reading time before the monster gets up.
0840 // I got my nap in all right. But realize that Addison has physical therapy at 9, so we need to get breakfast and dressed before she gets here. Which means I have to wake Addison up. I really hate doing that.
1015 // PT is done, so it's playtime!
1020 // Sure did forget that I needed to do laundry. I really hate laundry!
1030 //Now we head upstairs for more playtime. She's antsy today and because I have to do laundry, we can't go anywhere.
1040 // Meltdown. No clue why but here we go.
1043 // Meltdown over? Guess so. It's back to playing again. She's not playing with me. I'm bored, so I'm reading.
1220 // Lunch time!
1245 // We finished lunch and we get more play time in before nap
1315 // Addison thought it would be a fun game to chase Stella round the middle floor. Stella didn't agree. It didn't stop Addison from following though.
1325 // I have to interrupt chase time to take her upstairs to read then go down for a nap.
1335 // I settle in with my crackers and cheese snack and my Netflix movie. After I finish eating, I browse the internet, work on my blog, fill my time. Then I take a little nap.
1510 // Addison's awake and about an hour before I want her to be. But she's seems fine squealing and talking to herself in her crib. I leave her be for awhile. Bad mom move? She's fine, I promise!
1545 // I guess I can't put it off anymore. I have to get the monster up! So it's back to more playing for us. As it turns out, most of the day is play time. Funny how that works. And yes, you have read correctly, so far other than laundry I have done nothing around the house. No cleaning of any time. And I'm okay with that. While she plays around in her room - mostly looking at books - I do some work on my blog.
1555 // She brings me a book and we do some reading together.
1645 // We looked at some pictures on my computer. She likes looking at pictures.
1700 // I had to start dinner so Addison had to play. And she did....kind of. She more of less got under foot then sat on the floor in the kitchen waiting.
1738 // Dinner. I know I went above and beyond with my fancy dinner of roasted zucchini, grilled cheese, and apple slices. You don't have to say it. But I didn't want any leftovers in the fridge nor did I want to buy a lot of groceries this week.
1807 // Playtime with Daddy. Quite possibly one of Addison's favorite times of the day.
1850 // I head off to get a hair cut. Addison and Rob are on their own!
2000 // I decided that I am never going back to Great Clips for a $7.99 hair cut again. It may have cost me much more money but it was definitely worth it.
2030 // Working on my blog again. That just keeps happening - there is always so much to do with it to make it the wonderful thing you are reading today. But after I'm finished it's off to eat some popcorn and zone out on some Netflix or maybe Gilmore Girls. Then bed early because I am exhausted!
So there you go. Our day in all its boringness. Don't you feel like you were really here with us? If you want to see other editions of this then check out our day at 15 months and another one at 10 months.
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