Mar 24, 2015

Musing of a Teenager

Just recently I came across a document on my computer where I had saved every one of my xanga entries. I now can't remember my password so now I'm happy to have saved it all. I got a good laugh out of some of the insight of my teenage self. Consider it my first blog (from June 2003 to April 2007  of a sort and since I had such a laugh, I thought I would share some of my more genius posts...

-Wednesday, June 30, 2003-
Guys are dumb! That's all there is to it!

"Don't accept rides from strange men, and remember that all men are strange." Robin Morgan

Until Tomorrow

(No idea why I felt this way, but it is a little true. But the same can be said for for girls being dumb too. Whatever the case I was 16 so there's that.)

-Thursday, September 11, 2003-

"The world needs anger. The world continues to allow evil because it isn't angry enough." -Bede Jarrett, The House of Gold

(I'm guessing I was angry. Or maybe hungry? Or maybe I turned into a dinosaur briefly! That's the one. That must be it!)

 -Sunday, September 14, 2003-

Good boy. Ha!

Everyone likes Matt...he's just so dreamy...well kinda...uh nevermind

Get on the purple dinosaur and smile!

Smashed the punny...uh, ran over the bunny!

....what a day, what a day...

"When I find myself fading, I close my eyes and realize my friends are my energy." -Anon

Until tomorrow

(I couldn't tell you what most of that means now but it meant something then and isn't that what's important. Being teenager and having fun with your friends?!)

-Thursday, November 13, 2003-
I'm just writing something so that for the few that comment can comment on this new thing I'm writing that will mean nothing to anyone. But I am getting an MRI next Thursday on my back...I hate MRIs! Well, later.

"If you can't laugh at yourself now, you'll have nothing to laugh at later in life."

Until tomorrow

(I think I needed to learn that not everything needs to be said out loud and sometimes it's okay to not write anything at all. Unfortunately I haven't learned that lesson since I keep a blog, the adult version of xanga in some ways, and I write five days a week.)

-Friday, June 25, 2004-
You're a low life scum who vacuums all the time! Now go make dinner. If you didn't like me so much then why'd we have so many kids? this is the dog's play toy. Oh no, the mom just committed suicide. They all have a funny slant to their heads. They're taking a bath and the kid boy's in there too. You're it! Dinner time. We'll wait. You're in the way, Fido. As I lay me down to sleep. They don't talk at the dinner time. No isn't this just the picture perfect family - until you look into the depths and realize they're just not that perfect!

"What are you thinking getting into a car with a homicidal maniac?"

Until tomorrow.

(I want to note that this was written down as I was saying it while I was messing around with a dollhouse a million moons ago. Apparently my brain is weird.)

-Thursday, August 29, 2004-
Wish I had something really smart to say but I got nothing, so that's all she wrote...

"What manner of man is Giacomo? Ha ha! I shall tell you what manner of man is he. He lives for a sigh, he dies for a kiss, he lust for a laugh, ha! He never walks when he can leap! He never flees when he can fight (thud) oop! He swoons at the beautty of a rose. And I offer to you, all of me. My heart. My lips. My legs. My calves. Do what you will - my love endures. Beat me. Kick me. (kiss kiss). I am yours. " - The Court Jester

Until tomorrow

(I'm going to interject how ridiculous that I felt it was necessary to say nothing...oh to be 18 and feel the need to take the time to write to say that I had nothing to write!)

-Saturday, August 28, 2004-
So I just had a dream that my friends and I got put into jail for murder and when we got out, they just let it go, but I couldn't function in society because it's on my permanent record because I'm the only one that's 18. It was so weird, well that's all she wrote...

"I am the terror that flaps in the night. I am the onion that stings in your eye."

Until tomorrow

(The funny part is that at the time I really was the only one who was 18 of my friends so it was a very realistic dream. Well minus the killing someone part.)

-Wednesday, January 12, 2005-
Nobody ever lived to say "I died." Ha


(No clue where I got that from but it still makes me laugh.)

-Sunday, February 13, 2005-
We saw a lady get hit by a car was scary.

(The lady was okay by the way. We were downtown to eat and some lady was talking on her phone and clipped a lady and wasn't going to stop until somebody hit the hood of her car hard. It was crazy.)

-Sunday, April 3, 2005-
There is only one thing better than being able to wear shorts again...still fitting into them!!!

(Still feel the same way!)

-Tuesday, May 10, 2005-
Think with me now about almost every female comedy ever invented and when this said female was getting out of bed and trying to be cool, she seems to have her sheets tangled around her without her knowledge and ends up falling on the floor.

Funny story....

Imagine that she is me.

(I'm guessing I fell out of bed....)

-Tuesday, June 7, 2005-
"I like the game, I just don't like you."

Best said by my beautiful yet extremely annoying older sister of mine...what a dork she is.

(Don't remember the game but it's still funny.)

-Friday, August 12, 2005-

(Wow that's some insightful thoughts there.)

-Wednesday, August 24, 2005-
I love naps.

(Still do.)

-Wednesday, September 21, 2005-
I'll be blunt...I woke up this morning and I'm just plain angry at the world.

(Not much has changed from now to when I was 19. Sometimes I still wake up angry. Occasionally though I wake up angry at my husband for something he said or did in my dream. He should be ashamed of himself!)

-Friday, October 14, 2005-
give me a ping pong paddle and put me in a padded room

-Monday, October 24, 2005-
40,000 Americans are injured from toilets each year.

(I guess I felt the need to share this particular fact on this particular day. Just to be clear, I'm fairly certain I wasn't one of those 40,000 people that day...I don't think...)

-Tuesday, January 17, 2006-
*insert quote here*


-Monday, January 23, 2006-
so imagine you're sitting in class and suddenly there is a strange sound from the person next to you. when you glance over lo and behold, that said person is picking away at their fingernails. and they keep picking and picking and picking. so if you don't want to drive the person around you crazy, don't pick your fingers. hint hint: it's call fingernail clippers

(Turns out this still annoys me.)

-Friday, January 27, 2006-
I fell down and went boom.

(I'm thinking I fell down. Just guessing though!)

-Tuesday, February 7, 2006-
the unknown scares us but playing safe is settling so what do you do?

(Find a man online, marry him and live a pretty awesome life? Probably not what I was thinking at the time of writing it but it applies.)

-Monday, May 8, 2006-
is it possible to run out of things to say?

(Apparently not because my xanga site went on for another year or so.)

-Tuesday, August 25, 2006-
"rapunzel rapunzel throw down your long hair. okay then what happens?" (me)
"she cuts off her hair." (my dad)
"then what? the prince climbs up or does rapunzel climb down or does the door magically open?"
"they all died."

(I have had my fair share of funny conversations with people over the years apparently.)

-Friday, September 15, 2006-
"as beautiful as that is, a cat two houses down just jumped."

(I remember that I was singing loudly and off-key. And my dad is forever in my corner.)

Those are some gems. Luckily, my posts on Defying Gravity have a little bit more to them, which is good because how confused would you all be if I just posted 'eek' and that was it. Oh the days of xanga, the online journal for everyone to read!

xo, B

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