iPad. I have been filling my time mostly playing odd ball games on my iPad these days. I have finally started reading more than playing on it but it's a guilty pleasure to waste all kinds of time on it messing around.
Quiet time. The kid and I haven't been seeing eye-to-eye on most things these days so it's really nice to have some moments to myself away from the whining and the constant needing something. I think I have needed the quiet time more than her these days. And yes I have been napping pretty much every day, so don't expect me to get a lot done during that time.
Comfortable clothes. Don't expect to see me in anything nice these days. I have been wearing a lot of gym shorts and t-shirts and I forgot how comfortable that is. Sometimes it's nice to go with something a little nicer but when we are lounging around the house, what's the point?
Rain. I love rainy days. I especially love it when it break up the really really hot days and when it takes care of the watering that needs to be done outside.
House looking. We aren't moving any time soon (so I'm not calling it house hunting) but it's a future plan of ours so it's fun to look now and find things I love and things that are on my must have list for the next house. It's also inspired me to make a list of things that have to be done with this house before we can sell it.
The KC Royals. Seriously did you see the Infante-Escobar play the other night? It was pretty awesome.
What are you into these days? What are some of your favorites?
Have a great weekend!
Happy Friday!
xo, B
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