I have always dreamed of not living in the Midwest. From as early as I can remember I dreamed about living on the east coast. Now before you give me a speech about the weather and how it costs more. And heck, even about the fact that a earthquake and a hurricane hit the east coast. Just hear me out.
I have been to North Carolina and I liked it. I don't remember too much because I was young. I've been to DC and I liked it. I've been to Boston and I liked. I've been to Maine and I loved it. I've been to the southwest and I was definitely not crazy about it. I've lived in the Midwest my whole life and all we get are extremes when it comes to weather and oh year those annoying little things called tornadoes which the thought of actually getting hit by one terrifies me.
We have a pretty good life here. I work at a job I enjoy (even though I get bored often), but it's stress-free and part-time and just pretty perfect. Rob has his two jobs which he loves. We have an apartment which we are never moving out of because of how much Rob loves it (yeah babe that was for you!). But seriously, things are good. Our life here is good and I like it.
But sometimes I dream about going back to Maine...for good. Of course all this requires money, but things is why I'm dreaming and not moving. I dream of getting one of those amazing houses that sit right off the beach, so we can open the windows and get amazing sea air. I love sea air. It's probably one of my favorite things now. I close my eyes and try to remember how it felt now when it is so hot all the time. I dream of everything in our house being light and airy. I dream of raising our kids in Maine, where we can go to the beach and take naps with all the windows open on a beautiful afternoon. I dream of Rob taking up this web design thing he was talking about and working from home and doing something he loves while still getting to spend time with his family. I dream of writing in my spare time but most of my time spent raising our kids. I dream of Stella lounging lazily in the window that faces the ocean. I dream of lobster. Boy do I dream of lobster.
I know the next thing you're going to say. It gets cold in the winter. It gets really cold in the winter and snow. It snows. But you know what it gets cold and it snows and it ices here. And I hate ice. I really really hate ice. And I love snow. I really do. But I hate hate hate ice. I can handle cold. I can handle snow. I do it here. Sometimes I actually really like winter.
It's all just dreaming. It helps get through the horribly hot days here I guess. There is no fear of us moving to the far coast so for any of you who are worried (coughmomanddadcough) we aren't leaving Kansas. But you have to dream sometimes. So now I'm going to stare at these pictures then close my eyes tight and pretend like I can hear the ocean and smell the ocean and feel the ocean. I really do love the ocean.
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