May 1, 2012

Week 12

It's the week of the plum. It's like the year of the dragon, which by the way is the 2012 so that means
you'll be a dragon? Okay, so I'm not sure how all that Chinese year thing works exactly. But I do know that week 12 means that you are roughly size of a large plum. Can you believe how much you have grown? I can't. We have almost made it through the first trimester, baby. We are doing good. So I bet you're wondering what you're up to this week then. Well, the coolest thing for this week? You are developing reflexes, so if I poke your body the you'll move. Pretty cool, right? Most of your vital systems are fully formed but you have a lot of maturing still to do. Good thing you still have time in there. You are opening and closing your fingers and curling your toes too. Oh and your pituitary gland (at the base of your brain) is starting to produce hormones, which basically means that, according to my book, you will one day be able to make babies of your own. But your father says no dating until you are out of the womb!

How do I feel? I think I feel good. Feeling a little sleep deprived because I'm not really sleeping
through a full night. My back is killing me. My hips ache a bit. And morning sickness still isn't letting me go yet. But otherwise I think I'm good. What happened to that glow that you hear about and how crazy are those women who love being pregnant? I apologize if you are one of those women, and maybe we need to sit down and have a heart to heart about how you do it. But man I'm aching a bit and my back is pretty much in a constant state of pain. On the plus side, I'm cooking again so I have less sensitivity to food. So that definitely makes me happy. I'm also feeling like I have more energy. I feel like I can do more things. I still seem to tire out easily, but it's not a constant thing anymore. Overall, I can feel the second trimester coming on - or maybe it's all in my head. Either way, I'm feeling better despite my somewhat lengthy list of aches and pains and minor complaints. I do have to say that I have noticed some changes in my body. Rob barely notices them, and I'm sure none of you can see any changes. But I can definitely see some changes starting. Maybe because I'm the one wearing the pants that just feel slightly too tight these days.

So as you know, Rob and I have a bet going on. Rob thinks Poppy will be a girl, but I think Poppy will be a boy. And lately we have given all my readers the chance to vote on what they think too - and apparently most of you think it will be a girl. We need more boy-supporters out there. So vote now. If you're voting for a girl, then you can just sit this one out....don't tell Rob.

Each week along with how Poppy is growing and how I am doing, I like to share a little pregnancy tidbit. Last week, it was definitely a bit more serious with my scare I had, so why not lighten things up and talk about all those old wivestales out there.

They have been around forever and there are hundreds of them it seems like. Rob and I have had fun looking into some of them the last week and seeing our results. Well just see for yourself:

Chinese gender chart = boy (you take the age of the mother (that's me!) which is 25 and the year of conception and you match it up on the chart to get the results)

Heartbeat = girl (If the heartbeat is more than 140 then it is a girl, if it is less than a boy. The first time the heartbeat was 146 then this last time it was 155.)

Cravings = girl (If I crave sweets then it's a girl. If I crave sour things then it's a boy. I wouldn't say I was craving sweets but since everything I've seen groups fruits with the sweets I went with sweets.)

Mayans = boy (the Mayans take the age of the mother and the year of conception and if they are both even or both odd then it's a girl. If one is even and one is odd then it's a boy. 25 and 2012 - I think you can figure it out for yourself)

Necklace over palm of hand = girl (If the necklace swings back and forth then it's a girl, if it swings in a circle then it's a boy.)

Morning sickness = girl (If you are having really bad morning sickness then girl, if little to none then a boy.)

Baby's father's weight = boy (This one is silly, but if Rob gains weight then it's a girl if not then a boy. Rob hasn't gained weight and unlikely to gain any during the pregnancy, due to the Marine-have to stay in shape thing.)

Clumsy = boy (If I am graceful then a girl. If I'm clumsy then a boy. Let's just say I have more bruises on my arms and legs then normal. I'm definitely finding myself more clumsy.)

What side I sleep on = boy (If I sleep on left side, then a boy. If I sleep on right side then a girl. Rob would argue with this saying I sleep on my right side but I like sleeping on my left. But then again he is sure it is a girl so he's trying to sway things his direction.)

Hands Constantly dry? = boy (That is something I have noticed. And here's where Rob would say, I'm just dehydrated and not drinking enough water. But I'm thirsty like all the time so I feel like I'm always drinking water.)

So according to the wivestales/Mayans/Chinese I've looked at it's 6-4 Boy. Of course some of this is just plain silly. And trust me there are tons more out there, including peeing in a cup of Drano. Kind of a waste of Drano in my opinion. But it's all fun. It's fun to predict what you think you'll be having before you find out. We honestly don't care either way. We have names picked out for if it's a girl or boy. And I even decided on nursery colors (or at least I decided what I want them to be this week. I can always change my mind again). Don't forget to get your vote in so we can see which side gets bragging rights (and of course five bucks which will be used towards Dairy Queen either way) in a few more weeks.

(Monday, April 23 - Sunday, April 29)

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