You want me to tell you which one now, don't you? Really curious? Well, here you go...
No, we aren't having twins. But we are having a stinker. This child is definitely part Rob. So here's what's happened....We went into the ultrasound this afternoon, very excited and ready to find out. So we go in for anatomy scan and the first thing we see is the top of the baby's head. The doctor kept looking and found the majority of the baby is sitting in my pelvis. But not just sitting in my pelvis, curled into a ball basically. The baby is currently breach, had her head turned away from us and looking down, we got a good picture of the back bone, and the baby was sitting Indian style. Like I said Rob's child. Don't believe me? Well, just look for yourself:
The doctor thought that Poppy is a girl. She couldn't be certain and wasn't even going to put it in my chart because she was so uncertain. However, she was really thinking it was a girl. So for now, I am going with we are having a girl. And that's what I'm going with for the next four weeks. We go back in four weeks for another ultrasound because they didn't get a good look at the anatomy because of the way the baby was sitting. So they should be able to confirm the gender for 100% by then.
So if you want a 100% answer, I can't give you that right now. But if you want a 51% answer, I'm going to tell you that we are having a girl.
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