I have always been great at multitasking. I have been great at doing two-three-four things at the same time. Seems impossible, but I did it. But now I can barely focus on one thing. I get distracted easily. You know the joke about something shiny coming along. Well, my life is one big something shiny.....what was I saying?
#2: Try as you might, you are still going to fall.
I had previously told you about a tumble I took weeks ago (you remember, Week 25). Well, what I didn't tell you was that I fell a second time just recently. I was just walking peacefully down the stairs following the hubs. He rounded the corner and flipped off the light and suddenly I went down....hard. I ended up with a huge, horrible looking bruise on my arm from where I hit it on the railing and an even bigger bruise on my bum from where I fell hard on the step. There was no rhyme or reason behind this fall. The first fall, I was wearing socks, but this one I was barefoot. It's that pesky balance thing. But hey Addison is fine. Little Bit in there is cushioned and protected, so it's really just my own pain. Just know that you probably will fall and if you are worried then call your doctor, but you will probably be fine - just a little pain in your butt (literally) and pride.
#3: Morning sickness doesn't necessarily stop at the end of the first trimester.
Okay, so for most woman morning sickness does stop after the first trimester, but it is so wrong to assume that it will for you. I assumed that and it was only a couple weeks along that I stopped getting sick. The upside to my ongoing morning sickness? I have only gained ten pounds so far. I have been lucky that I haven't gained much weight but Addison is still measuring normal. But the major downside I spent a lot of time with my head over the toilet.
#4: Your moods/emotions will change at the drop of a dime.
Just ask Rob. He knows better than anyone that one minute I'm fine and laughing, and the next minute I'm angry and upset. I know it makes it difficult to keep up. But let's just be honest, I don't exactly have a lot of control. I feel like I have absolutely no control of those emotions and I really hate feeling like I have no control. To all those husbands out there: try your best to be understanding. Your wife/significant other is now a host and knows not what she says. Unless she does and you should know that whatever you just said or did was not the right thing and you shouldn't do it again.
#5: Your back will ache. Your feet will ache. Your neck will ache. Your legs will ache. Everything will ache.
Let's be honest, you are going to be uncomfortable. I'm not sure what more to say about it. You will ache all over and be so incredibly uncomfortable the farther along you get. Fact of
#6: You will be hungry and it's always complicated.
Confused about this one? I'm hungry all the time. Every thirty minutes I'm hungry again even if I just ate. But the problem is that I crave something then as soon as I get that something I develop an aversion to it. Planning meals and going to the grocery store is always an adventure. I have trouble deciding what we are even going to eat for the week because half the time nothing sounds good or I worry that I'll decide on something then not want to make it or eat it, so meal planning never goes well. If I somehow make it through meal planning to the grocery store, I always end up finding something I want to eat that wasn't on my list. So I make a deal with myself, I only allow myself two impulse buys per trip. For example, I decided I wanted baked beans, so I got a can and it is still sitting in the pantry. But they sure do sound good right now....
#7: Find a doctor you love because you will see him/her A LOT.
Of course you want to find a doctor you love because he/she will be taking care of your throughout your pregnancy and your baby. You want to be able to trust whoever you pick. So you definitely want to chose someone that you trust and love. I got incredibly lucky with my doctor. I raved about her previously (check it out here), and I want to say again how excited I am that I have been able to keep her as my OB and that she can also be Addison's doctor. For the first part of your pregnancy, you will go to doctor appointments every four weeks then at the end of your second trimester (or there abouts) you will start going every other week. Then at the very end you go weekly. So like I said you will be there a lot! Along with this, you'll also have to pee in a cup every time. It's annoying but just something you'll have to deal with.
#8: Naps are your friend.
Enough said. But if you need more, than you should probably know once the kid is born you'll get little to no sleep. So sleep while you can. Nap while you can.
#9: Enjoy the maternity clothes and the elastic waist. They are incredibly comfortable.
I have complained about finding maternity pants that are long enough (check it out here). Since I have found a couple places to find pants that are long, and I must say that I love love love the elastic waist. I love the comfort. Granted I need to wear elastic waist and maternity pants out of necessarity but it will seriously be hard to switch back.
#10: Internet, books, classes, and the like can be your best friend for information and your worst enemy.
Knowledge is power. Information is great. And I highly recommend informing yourself of what the heck to do with the baby after he/she is born, knowing what to expect from your pregnancy, and be informed about what to expect during labor and delivery. But at the same time, the internet and those books can just freak you out even more. Especially the internet. I am not overly freaked out by the whole labor thing and pain, but after hearing about birth stories and reading things online, I get completely freaked out. So here's my advice, you have any questions about something going on, you can look online or in those pregnancy books but also ask your doctor. She/he is your best source for information in the end.
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