Before she even had her MRI, she had started babbling again. But all the words she had been saying before were no longer in her vocabulary. But I was told that babbling was better was nothing because that was the first step to talking. But at this point we knew she was going to be behind the other kids of the same age.
I was worried about her (because what else do we do as moms?) because I hated to see her struggle so much, but had no idea another struggle was about to strike. The summer before she turned two, she was understanding everything I was saying. She was following directions and doing what I asked. But at that age she had opinions and feelings and wanted to do things but had no idea how to express herself. She was frustrated constantly because I just couldn't figure out what she wanted. She was constantly throwing temper tantrums and I struggled to find a solution.
It was then that I decided to try sign language with her. It only took showing her twice before she picked up on the sign. As we added more signs in, she was less frustrated all the time because although it was basic we were finally able to communicate. She was happier because I could finally understand what she wanted.
By this point we were working with Infant Toddler Services, but a lot of the focus was to get her walking which she finally started doing at 22 months. They encouraged the use of sign language and to just praise her any time she even tried to speak. But finally she was understanding the importance of communication and words would soon follow.
Truthfully in the last month or so is when she finally really started talking. We are at the stage where I interrupt a lot of what she is saying. But there is also a lot that everyone can understand. Of course Addison being Addison, she is very practical. She doesn't always see the point in just saying a word to say it. She's more likely to talk if she finds a word or a phase that serves a purpose.
She uses sign language much less than she used to, although sometimes she says the word and does the sign at the same time. There is still a lot of babble, but there seems to be a lot more actual words these days. It's been amazing to hear her finally start talking. It's been a long time coming. She is still behind other kids her age when it comes to language. But that doesn't make her a dummy. She is actually very bright. She understands perfectly and can follow complex directions. She is a problem-solver and loves to figure things out. Each day she is talking more and I can't even express how proud I am of her. She has come so far and has been amazing through it all.
Catch up on the whole story here:
The One with the 29 Month Old Who Isn't Talking
The One with the 26 Month Old Who...
The One with the Girl Who Turns Two in A Day
The One with the 23 Month Old Who Wears Ankle Braces
The One with the 21 Month Old Who Did This
The One with the 21 Month Old Who is Trying to Walk and Talk and Going to Get Help
The One with the 20 Month Old Who Still Isn't Walking
The One with the 18 Month Old Who Can't Walking
xo, B
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