1 - Someone to clean the cat litter. The truth is that right now I can't really clean the cat litter since it's not recommend when pregnant or trying to get pregnant in our case. But still it's nice to not have to do it.
2 - Someone to do chores you hate doing. This one doesn't work that often but on occasion I can talk the hubs into doing a chore just because I really really hate doing it and don't want to.
3 - Someone to pick up milk on the way home because you don't want to go out. Or because you have dinner already cooking. Or because it takes ten times longer to take the kid out with you.
4 - Someone to help you carry the heavy bags to the car. Boy is this one nice.
5 - Someone to warm your feet at night. I'm not sure he's such a fan of my freezing cold feet.
6 - Someone to mow the grass. I mowed the grass once and it's nothing like vacuuming. It's harder and I hate it. Luckily the few years when he was gone for annual training I never had to mow because it never rained and the grass didn't grow that much in those weeks.
7 - Someone to watch the cart while you try on clothes. I also like that he can watch the kid too.
8 - Someone to stand in the cold and gas up the car. He runs warm so I only feel half bad about this one.
9 - Someone to kill spiders and other creepy-crawlers in the house. Also to pick up the dead bodies of the few that I kill during the day when it can't wait. Or the bodies of those that the cat killed then left behind.
10 - Someone to drive in crappy weather. I hate driving in snow or ice or heavy rain.
Sure all these are true, or at least they are in our household. But seriously being married is awesome. It's hard work but it's completely awesome. I honestly have a hard time remembering what life was like before I married the hubs. Although these are funny examples of why being married is awesome, there are so many more serious ones. And the number one thing is that I get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend.
What are your favorite things about being married, funny or not so funny?
Have an awesome Father's Day.
Have a great weekend!
Happy Friday!
xo, B
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