In February, I started working out. I got pretty determined that I was going to do this and I wasn't going to give up on it this time. I was the first time I worked out since having Addison and I was pretty proud of what I did during the month. It was also Addison's first Valentine's Day, which we spent at home as a family. She just continued to grow and change. Our little girl was growing up fast. She also moved to her own room this month, which was definitely harder for me than it was for her. The first night, which was definitely the hardest, she did pretty good. She woke up in the middle night, but ended up doing great, and we never went back. We paid off my student loan, which was very exciting for us. Having to pay someone else my money is always exciting.
Starting in March, we decided it was time to change something. Addison was taking two hours to get down at night. It was getting frustrating. So we decided to start cry-it-out (modified - you can read about what we didhere.) I discovered that I couldn't stay in the house all the time, despite my natural-hermit way. Addison and I barely went on by ourselves, but it was right about this time that I decided things would have to change. Rob and I went out on our first date since Addison was born. It was a little hard to leave her but it was nice to get out and about. It was good to have a night just for the two of us. Addison had her first solids [loosely named - it was really more of really liquidy oatmeal cereal]. She wasn't excited about it at first but in the end she decided she loved it. March was Easter, a trip to the zoo and a trip to the park. It was a busy month and we were loving the nice weather.
During April, I was still kicking butt working out. I was doing it five days a week every week. I was so proud of what I was doing and what I had done. The weather was even nicer, so we were able to spend more time outside. Addison was loving all the outside time. I did some interior designing, and had a lot of fun doing it (check it out here). We also had Addison's baby dedication at our church.
May brought nicer weather. We were able to spend even more time outside, including our first time going to the park and swinging. Addison loved swinging. [Check it out here.] I lost some motivation for working out this month, but I didn't stop. I just had to remind myself why I was doing what I was doing and that it was all worth it in the end. I had gotten that far, I shouldn't quit now. In the month, we had to say a sad farewell to a beloved member of our family. His life was celebrated and he will always be remembered (read about it here). She didn't want to get out of the swing she had so much fun. She had got quite a kick out a tape measure - oh the days when it was so easy to entertain her!
Rob and I celebrated two years in June. Rob celebrated his 27th birthday as well. June is also Father's Day. So there is nothing like the month of June to remember all those reasons why I love him (sappy I know!). Addison was 8 months in June, and was still constantly changing. She hardly seemed like the same little girl, hitting so many milestones.
July was a tough month all around. Rob had annual training, but it was for three weeks instead of two. Addison and I held our own by ourselves, but it was hard. It was exhausting. And we were definitely glad to have him back. It was during the month of July that I made a horrible mistake and stopped working out. I was never able to get back to it after that and I have regretted that ever since.
In August, Addison started eating table food. I was more scared to start her on table food than she was. She was ready. It was just one more way that my little girl was growing up. Addison was ten months in August and looking less like a baby and more toddler every day. We went to Silver Dollar City in August for my birthday like we have done every year we've been together. This was Addison's first long distance trip and she did amazing. We had a lot of fun and she did great the entire trip. We also went down to the family lake cabin (Bull Shoals Lake) over Labor Day. This was the first time I had gone down in six years, Rob and Addison have never been. It was also a lot of fun. Addison wasn't so thrilled about the life jacket but otherwise she had a blast.
September marked the three year anniversary of this blog, with 24,889 total page views (there are a heck of a lot more now however). Addison started crawling this month at 11 months. She definitely took her time getting there. I also decided that I was going to go back to working out during this month (which ultimately didn't stick, but that's another story).
A certain little girl in the yellow room in the tan house turned one this month (October). A big month for us. The big one year old! That was pretty exciting for me. I spent a year wondering if I was doing things right or well, but we made it to one with a happy, healthy, lovable, perfect little girl. So clearly Iwas doing something right. We had two parties, plus we took her to the aquarium on her birthday. There was also Halloween at the end of the month, which turned out to be not so great since she had to get four shots and a blood draw that day, but that didn't stop us from wearing a little tutu that day as our costume (I might have gone a little cheap and easy this year...). We also finished bottles and formula. That was truly exciting for us.
In November I confessed my struggle with working out (read about it here). Rob and I celebrated four years of being together by going on an outing to Science City. Addison had a great time there. I had a great time there. The first weekend of the month, the parents got an outing by going to the Marine Corps Birthday Ball. I enjoyed myself a lot. The next weekend, Addison and I headed to girls' weekend. And once again - to no one's surprise - we had a good time. November was Thanksgiving month, which was with my family this year. We headed south to Mt. Vernon for dinner then down to Branson for day-after-Thanksgiving-Silver-Dollar-City-day. That was a fun day, my friends. Addison rode her first rides and she loved it. November was definitely a month of memories.
December wasn't quite as exciting for us as November was, which was actually okay. But of course there was Christmas. We were gone for a week, first to Iowa for a few days then in Independence for a few days. Then finally back home to finish out the rest of 2013.
This year was definitely not as exciting as 2012, but how can you really top that year - got pregnant, brought a house, moved into the house, had a baby. Seriously hard to top. 2013 was all about growing a family. This year was all about spending time together. All about Addison growing and changing and developing. This wasn't the most exciting, life-changing years we have ever had, but this was still a pretty good year overall. I got to spend it with my two favorite people - how could it not be a good year?
I hope everyone had a good and safe new years. Bring it on 2014. Let's see what you got!
I'm still fighting a cold.
I hope everyone else is feeling better than me.
Have a great weekend!
Happy Friday!
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